Wednesday 2 February 2011

Research on t.v listings magazine front covers

As one of my ancillary texts is a magazine front cover for a t.v listings magazine, I decided to do some research to look at common trends and conventions. I started out by researching what the most popular t.v listings magazines were in Britain. I did this by going to Tesco and looking at thier selection and purchasing a few. These included: 'T.V Choice', 'What's On T.V', 'T.V Quick', 'T.V Easy' and 'Inside Soap'. These appeared to be the most popular because they were all together at the front of the stand. After annotating a few of the magazines, I used the internet to do further research.
'T.V Choice':

Personally, this was my favourite magazine front cover because I thought it was eye-catching, contained a lot of information and didn't look like there was too many pictures or text. I thought that it was very interesting that the price, '33p' was displayed very clearly twice, but it could be because they are trying to emphasise how cheap it is. Other things that I noticed were:
  • It contains lots of bright colours, mainly primary
  • The strapline is in bold and very eye-catching
  • It mainly features two characters (Sarah and Jason) and thier individual storyline
  • Other programs (mainly soaps and some dramas) are promoted at the bottom and top
  • Sub-headings are used to provide more information
  • The price is included in a star shape
  • The background is blue, which is simple and not too bright but still eye catching
  • The title of the magazine is simple, and shown in red at the top left corner
  • It also promotes that it lists 'Freeview' channels, which shows advancements in technology
  • It clearly shows the date

'What's On T.V' 

I also really liked this one, and noticed that it is very similar to 'T.V Choice'. However, this magazine didn't emphasise the price as much, and featured slightly different colours and programs. Things that I noticed were:
  • The blue background again, this time a light blue
  • The two main characters 'Sean and Roxy' are the main feature
  • Other programs are featured, again mainly soaps but there are other genres too
  • Mainly primary colours, but this time white is used for the strapline, with a black outer glow which makes it stand out
  • It clearly shows its website
  • The use of words inside a star shape is used more frequently, makes it look eye catching
  • All of the characters are wearing simple hair/make-up and clothing (no themes eg. wedding)
  • It includes the date
  • Red title in the top left corner
 'T.V Quick'

Personally, I thought that this magazine looked too 'busy'. This is probably due to the large amount of text used, and because there is three characters positioned next to each other, which makes it look like there's too much going on. However, this is just my personal opinion, and I found lots of similarities to the previous two magazine front covers as well:
  • The blue backgroung
  • The red title in the top left hand corner
  • The strapline is eye catching, and has an outer glow
  • Features primary colours, and a lot of white
  • Promotes other programs (mainly soaps)
  • Shows the website
  • The price isn't emphasised
  • Use of bold text (in place of star shapes?)
  • There are three characters (Sean, Ronnie and Roxy) which are the main feature

T.V Easy:

I liked this one because it has a lot of information but doesn't look like there's too much going on. Again, I noticed several similarites and some differences:
  • The blue background
  • The price is made clear
  • Bright colours, mainly primary
  • Two characters from Eastenders are the main focus
  • Large, clear strapline
  • Other programs are featured at the bottom, and up the right hand side (mainly other soaps)
  • The title is orange and white, not red like the others
  • The date is shown clearly

Inside Soap

This magazine is specifically about soaps rather than a general t.v listings magazine. I decided to look at it though, because I am promoting a soap opera and wanted to look at all the different types of soap opera magazines. 'Inside Soap' is quite different to the previous 4 magazines I have looked at, but there were some similarities too:
  • Bright and colourful, however main colour used is purple
  • Three characters from Eastenders is the main feature
  • Bold and eye catching strapline
  • Other programs (all soaps) promoted at bottom and up right side
  • White background
  • Names of programs/channels
  • Title goes from left to right across the top
The main conventions that I have noticed are, blue background, no more than 3 main characters, bold strapline, lots of colours, promotion of other programs, include the date price and website and the use of the star shape for emphasis. I intend to use these conventions in my own way with my magazine front cover, along with some other ideas so that the magazine is original.

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