Monday, 29 November 2010

Script for soap opera trailer

Here is a copy of the script my group and I devised for our short soap opera trailer. This is just a rough draft, and may change slightly if we decide something else works better when it comes to the actual production. We decided not to have any dialogue as we thought that because it is a new soap opera, the audience would not know of any storylines and so we thought the focus should be on the footage and the music. However, we have included a small amount of dialogue if we should change our minds.

Affair scene-
Paige’s dad’s house-
Mid shot of a woman saying goodbye to her husband, see him in the back ground walking off and then she shuts the door.
Close up of her locking the door.
Long shot of women walking into the kitchen
Close up of her making tea
Long shot of a man knocking at the door
Mid shot of the woman looking up and turning her head
Long/mid shot of women walking and opening the door, then the man and women hug and kiss.

Drug scene-
Eaton Socon- Alley by Balfour
Mid shot of the first teenager standing in an alley, looking around suspiciously
Long shot of the second teenager walking
Mid shot of them meeting
Close up of the exchange of drugs and money

Poisoning scene- Paige’s Grandparents house
Close up of elderly women making a cup of tea, and adding some pills to it.
Long shot of women walking out of the kitchen
Mid shot of an elderly man sitting at a table when the women bring in the cup of tea
Mid shot of the elderly man drinking the tea

Underage drinking and peer pressure scene- Balfour park
Close up, shot reverse shot of three teenage girls standing
Emma- ‘go on have some’
Long shot of Emma pushing the bottle of alcohol into Meg- Megs facial expressions = scared
Close up of the bottle of alcohol falling to the ground
Close up/mid shot of the bottle rolling across the ground

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